My website is live!

Hello, and welcome to my brand-new website!
My name is Gavin and I work as a technical writer and lexicographer. On this website you can view a portfolio of my work, learn about the services I offer and get in touch with me.
I’m also going to be blogging, of course. I know, I know, I’m a decade (or two) late to the bandwagon when it comes to blogging. I suppose that’s actually kind of funny considering both my professional roles involve working with words, but hey!
I have written professional blog posts for several companies before, but I thought it was about time I had some sort of personal presence on the web. So here we are!
What you can expect
On this blog I’m sure I’ll write the odd post about “professional” things, but I’m anticipating this will mainly be a personal blog where I write about the things that interest me.
(Of course, I do actually find my work interesting, so there’s bound to be a bit of overlap!)
One thing I love and have always loved is stories, whether in the form of books, television series, films or video games, so you can expect a bit of chat about things I’ve read or watched or played.
Behind the scenes of this site
For the average reader, here’s where you should stop reading. Seriously! Things are about to get technical. Maybe you’d rather check out the portfolio or services pages instead?
Oh, still here? All right, well, seeing as I offer technical writing services and build documentation websites for software companies, I thought I should say a bit about how I went about creating this website.
Spoiler: I didn’t use WordPress. If I used WordPress, there wouldn’t be a lot to say, right?
No, I decided to use a static site generator. Specifically, I used Hugo. Hugo describes itself as “The world’s fastest framework for building websites” and, to be fair, I’ve found it to be really fast. It’s also super flexible and pretty fun to use.
As a starting point, I used a theme by Themefisher, but I tweaked it quite a lot, partly because I wanted to make the site my own, and partly because I was keen to really understand how Hugo works. I reckoned the best way to do that was to play around with every aspect of my Hugo project!
What I’ve created is a super lightweight solution that’s a breeze to update (so there’s no excuse if I don’t blog regularly!).
I’m hosting the site through GitHub Pages, so hosting costs are minimal, which is nice. GitHub Pages is actually available on GitHub’s free plan, but me? I’m a PRO. 👨💼
Over and out
All right, that’s enough for now. There’s nothing more to say: I’ve launched a website to advertise my services. It’s literally what everyone does!
I’ll write another blog post soon, but in the meantime, please do have a look around. And if you’d like to say hi, then please get in touch!